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Project description

Hello to any and all that got to this page.This game works only alongside a twitch streaming channel. If you are a streamer and want to add some competition and games for your chat this is the game for you.

The streamer opens the game and selects the game mode after which the people in chat can type !join and be attributed a random character with random stats in the game.

In order for the game to work you need to edit the auth file with a text editor and add the required credentials there. In order to generate an oauth token you can go to https://twitchapps.com/tmi/

The auth file should have the following information:


oauth token(ex:oauth:z2gkhq51phf3fhwkc62ghol7my83u0)

channel name(ex:GhoulSoftware)

The game is free for everyone but does include copyright visuals on it.If you would like to get rid of the copyright and get builds in advance tot test them and use before the official release you can support me on patreon tiers Elder Titan and up.


You can get the free version by selecting a version from below( higher numbers = latest version but in case you want a specific one we will keep a history of them)

Hope everyone has fun with it.

This is a windows only version.

Version history

The initial version of the twitch chat interactive game.It contains the battle royal mode.
You can get a copy of it here https://ghoulsoftware.com/downloads/twitcharena/ Copy and paste the link in the browser in case it does not automatically download.